Assosiate Professor
+30 210 538 5723
Δευτέρα 14:30-16:00 & Τετάρτη 16:00-17:00
B.Sc. Optics ΤΕΙ of Athen
M.Sc. Optometry UMIST University
Ph.D. Optometry UMIST University
Graduated from the Department of Optics TEI 1989. She holds an Msc (1992) and PhD (1995) in Optometry and Vision Sciences from UMIST in Manchester, UK. She worked for 10 years in private ophthalmology clinic. She is a member of the International Society for Contact Lens Educators (IACLE). She is a Lecturer in the Department of Optics and Optometry since 2006 and teaches in the laboratory for Contact Lenses and Optometry and lesson Basic Principles Orthooptikis. Her research interests include optical contact lenses, changes in the cornea after refractive surgery and the clinical behavior of contact lenses.
Subjects she teaches in the Department
- Clinical Contact Lenses (G semester)
- Basic Principles Ortho-optics (G semester)
- Clinical optometry lab (F semester)